September 30, 2014
Just read Sam Harris’s quote that ‘wisdom is nothing more profound than an ability to follow one’s own advice’.
We know what to do, right? And we don’t hesitate to share what we know with anyone who will listen (solicited or not). The problem is that although whatever advice we give would likely work for us, it probably won’t work for them. Because we’re seeing through our own filter—our personal genetics, neurology, experiential and emotional history and socioeconomic culture—not theirs.
So we walk around throwing advice here and there willy-nilly, missing the fact that we could really benefit from listening to ourselves. If I captured in writing every piece of advice that has entered my head directed at someone else, and then applied it to myself, I’d probably be rich, wrinkle-free and running marathons into my nineties.
Think of the last piece of advice you felt compelled to give someone. Now figure out how to apply it to yourself.
Much love,