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Vision for Partners in Mindful Living


At the end of each year I look at Partners in Mindful Living through new eyes.  It’s that time.

This year the first step has been to rewrite my vision statement.  After convincing myself to dream big, with sweating palms I shared my first draft with some dear and respected friends.  I was afraid that having a big vision would come off as grandiose.  They helped me see that holding an ideal doesn’t mean I’m delusional or full of myself.

Here’s my dream for Partners in Mindful Living.

I envision myself as someone who creates a safe space where individuals can experience an increase in self-awareness, personal responsibility and accountability for the state of their life and the larger world.  I envision a world where individuals see themselves as pivotal in making a positive contribution through peaceful, thoughtful and intelligent means, toward the betterment of the world.   I want to change the world one encounter at a time.”

I know I can’t do anything alone.  By putting my dreams out there and talking about them I seem to get a little closer to achieving them.   I feel accountable.  If I can continue to hold that vision top of mind, one encounter at a time, maybe with help I can snowball it into something that actually does move us forward and closer to those outcomes.

Thank you for receiving me into your lives each time you read one of my posts.  Thank you for your comments and emails.  And most of all thank you for being there and partnering with me in creating a world where our children and grandchildren can play together without being afraid.

Much love,