March 27, 2014
Doing another 21 day challenge. We did one at the beginning of the New Year and 15 people signed up. Three months later five people that I know of are still meditating consistently and a few others intermittently. That’s awesome!! There’s something about knowing you’re not alone. Or at least that’s what happened for me. Since our first challenge I’ve been more consistent in my practice than I’ve ever been. And I’ve been meditating for a thousand years!
If you want to participate in the Challenge that starts on May 1st simply email me at
You’ll get a facebook invitation over my name asking you to join the Meditation Corner. (It’s a private Facebook group, so anything you post will only post to group members.) Once you click on ‘join’ I’ll be able to add you.
You can go to my website,, for a basic meditation instruction. You’ll find it under Fun Stuff & Extras.
So looking forward to meditating with you!
Much love,