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7 steps to be 10% kinder

September 1, 2015

1.  First, listen to understand; then, and only then, shoot to be understood.

2.  Replace right/wrong and good/bad with the question, does it work?  Ask yourself, ‘Is the next thing that’s going to come out of my mouth or my next action going to get me closer to what I want or further away?’

3.  Let the THINK acronym sink into your bones before you offer your next opinion:  Is is True?  Is it Helpful?  Is it Inspiring?  Is it Necessary?  Is it Kind?

4.  Remember that desire is the root of all action.  It begs the question, what do I want?  I notice I tend to be kinder when I’m not confused about what I want.

5.  Sit with the contradictory ideas that you’re way more than you ever imagined, and at the same time, not all that.   In other words, be glad you’re you, and consider taking  yourself way less seriously.

6.  Give everyone the benefit of the doubt that you’re so passionately praying they’ll give you.

7.  First, listen to understand; then, and only then, shoot to be understood.

Much love,


  1. Dick says:

    Bobbi, simply great thoughts, simply put, simply applicable, simply effective…you always have thoughtful stuff.

  2. Julie says:

    I love this seedling! My sister said once, that “it’s more important to be kind than right”. I think we often forget how powerful our words can be, so I try and remember this.

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