April 15, 2018
You’ve heard this question before. It may have resonated, but then you went on with your day, not paying it more attention than that. Consider taking a moment now to be with it in a different, more thoughtful, way — it may be one of the most powerful questions you’ll ever ask yourself:
What if this is your last day on earth?
For all we know, it may be. No guarantees beyond this moment.
If it were true, what do you want to do with it?
It’s my belief that we are all so much more than we allow ourselves to imagine.
It follows, then, that we are also capable of much more than we allow ourselves to imagine.
Here are some questions that might change the shape of just this one day.
- What do you want to remember for just this day?
- What do you want to make of just this day?
- What do you want to take from just this day?
- What do you want to give to just this day?
- How do you want to feel for just this day?
I answered the questions, and it turned into a bit of a prayer that has become a morning ritual.
Remember you are a miracle, literally.
Remember you are more than what you know.
Remember kindness trumps everything.
Remember to be the change you want to see.
Make this day yours.
Make it fun; smiles and laughter heal.
Make love to everyone you meet … everyone.
Make peace a reality.
Take life as an astounding, unexpected gift.
Take care of yourself and others.
Take only what’s yours.
Take yourself and your thoughts lightly.
Give the best of you.
Give from your heart, not just your head.
Give listening.
Give patience.
May you feel happy.
May you feel well.
May you feel safe.
May you feel at peace.
This probably won’t be your last day, or mine, but what if it is?
I hope you’ll answer the questions. Your answers may look different than mine. If they come from your heart, that’s all that matters..
It’s possible that the benefits of this exercise can extend beyond your own well-being. Melvin McLeod, Editor-in-Chief of Lion’s Roar Magazine, said: “Working with your own mind, heart, and attitudes may help you more skillfully work with the frictions and difficulties that inevitably arise in all our close relationships.”
This exercise seems perfectly suited for the days when we feel lonely. We all have lonely days. Sometimes it’s not obvious why yesterday we didn’t feel lonely, and today we do. Maybe it’s as simple as our hormones fluctuated and our Serotonin levels dipped.
Regardless of why, reminding myself of who I want to be, and what I value, generates gratitude for the gift of one more day.
I hope you’ll take a moment to write your own morning prayer. Just for today.
Please share your thoughts in the comments section below. Your ideas have value — they add to us and bring us closer together.
Much love,
If today is my last, I shall not waste seconds nor tears. If today is my last, I shall be grateful for all the days of my past. If today is my last, May I be at peace with the people I love for their memories are of our last encounter. If today is my last, I have no time to worry about what was or will be. If today is my last, I shall allow my faith to guide my spirit to be at peace with the life I lived.
I’ve been going through all the cards and letters I’ve saved over the years, and your line ‘may I be at peace with the people I love for their memories of our last encounter’ strikes me as fitting for me too. When the world isn’t behaving the way I want it to, I think it can be so easy to forget all the loving gestures others have extended and surrounded us with. It’s good to remember the good stuff … Thanks Erin.