December 22, 2011.
Showing up real isn’t as easy as it sounds. In order to be real we need to be present, open, and taking ourselves lightly. When I take fleeting thoughts, emotions and physical sensations seriously, making decisions around how I’m going to act based on them, I can get myself in trouble.
My brain on automatic pilot tends to create problems where none exist, or take what is an invisible (to anyone except me) tiny pimple and explode it into a raging case of adult acne. I’ve made huge life decisions from some pretty crazy thoughts that in hindsight, when I’m in my right mind, look touchingly absurd.
I’m starting to warm up to the idea that it’s okay that most of the time I don’t know as much as I think I do, or more gently, that there is more to be known about every single thing that I think I have down pat. That awareness has created a tendency to move a little more slowly, thoughtfully and purposefully. It has created a desire to listen better, more openly, and with more curiosity than usual. I’m noticing there are lots of people out there I can learn from when I’m not so attached to what I’m thinking or feeling in any given moment.
Just for today consider taking your fleeting thoughts, feelings and physical sensations a little less seriously. See how your day unfolds. We can all do with a little less less drama and a greater sense of groundedness.