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What Matters?


Here’s the link to an article a dear friend sent me, suggesting it might be a good blog topic.  It talks about what matters to people when they’re looking back on their lives.

You’ll find the article here:  http://www.purpleclover.com/relationships/875-what-dying-want-us-know-about-living/

I’m going to summarize what I got out of it.  Most of my thoughts are trite truisms.  I believe them with every cell in my body.

Life is short, regardless of the number of years we are given.

Life is meant to be lived fully, moment by moment, not put on a shelf waiting for if/when. (There’s a whole world of richness and depth in that one statement.)

What matters is who we are, not what we got/collected/bought/earned/saved/stored….

We know who we are by the looks in the eyes of those who love us.

We will be remembered for how we made others feel about themselves.

Life is a gift that suggests lots of celebrations are in order.  Pinch yourself if you’re living in a place with running water, a roof over your head and a way to earn a living.  (Parties can be comprised of one or more people who ‘get it’, and you don’t need to spend a dime.)

Whether or not you had a chance to read the link, please take a moment to comment if you have thoughts about what matters to you.


  1. Gayle Young says:

    This may be the better of the best I’ve read from Seedlings.. My heart chakra opened up and cried out!!! Relating very deeply about living and loving in every precious moment we have..I’m in a space of having experiences of pure love and watching with amazement of the beauty and joy it brings when your heart is open! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and heart with us…

    • Robyn says:

      Gayle, thanks so very much for the kind words. And I’m touched that you’ve shared your experience with us. Robyn.

  2. Kathy says:

    Love this!
    The more I hurry, the less I accomplish. Seems that I am always rushing from one moment to the next and not taking time to enjoy each moment.
    I don’t want to have regrets of the moments that I should have slowed down and enjoyed, so I am taking this message to heart.
    Thank you 🙂

    • Robyn says:

      Isn’t it crazy how that works?! I think we all need reminders because life is moving so fast it’s easy to just start reacting rather than making conscious decisions about where we’ll put our attention. Robyn

  3. Jen says:

    LOVED your Seedlings post – especially “we will be remembered for how we made others feel about themselves”. Such an important insight for us to remember on a daily basis!

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