August 13, 2017
The gift is my brand new Mindfulness Playbook. You can find it here. It’s a collection of slogans that have arisen organically from years of watching how minds work. It’s an opportunity for you to playfully explore ideas. Don’t take any of them too seriously – the operative word is PLAY.
The slogans are meant to be applied to any areas of your life where you feel stuck or stale or simply out of ideas.
I’m going to be moving the Seedlings blog to its own website. The Partners in Mindful Living site will remain the base for my private therapy practice.
We’re moving the blog because it has expanded beyond my private practice and seems to be appealing to a broad range of people who are looking for practical ways to bring mindfulness into their daily lives and relationships.
I need your help to name the new site. Please email me with your vote for best name. FYI, seedlings was already taken.
Thank you so very much for your continued readership and ongoing communication. You’ve amazed me with your loyalty and support over the six years that seedlings has grown into something that you tell me you look forward to. I thought it would be a few blog posts and then I’d run out of things to share, so no one is more surprised than I am!
Please forward this on to any and all friends you think might be interested in exploring or playing with mindfulness. They can vote too!
I hope you enjoy the Playbook! Your regular Seedlings will be in your mailbox next Sunday morning. Until then …
Much love,
I vote for MindfulnessSeedlings. I like it best because it still refers to. seedlings which I feel continues to be an apt metaphor for your writings about mindfulness. (Unless you are planning to take it in a new direction, in which case MindfulnessAdventure or MindfulnessCruise may work.better. 😉 )
Thanks for your vote Sandy! You are not alone in your pick. I’ll keep you posted on the outcome. And adopting a mindfulness perspective does sort of feel like an adventure so the alternative you suggest resonates.
I agree that Mindfulness Seedlings seems like a good way to go. I also like Down to Earth Mindfulness.
Thanks Lyle – this is getting fun! Emails coming in. Will let folks know the winner in next Seedlings.
How about,The Thoughtful Mind or Mindful Thoughts.
Or…Mindful Seeds.
Thanks Michele! All three ideas now on the list! I’ll keep you posted!
First Robyn, thank you for the gift! I love it!
As for a new name, I’m torn. I agree that MindfulnessSeedlings offers the best fit with your newsletter and your practice. But it doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue. If the objective is something that’s easy to say, and easy to remember, I think SaneAndSolid is a winner. Also SeedlingsLab, which has the obvious “Seedlings” advantage.
I also wonder if it’s better to keep “mindfulness” in a secondary position… use it in a tag line, or a subhead, instead of THE HEADLINE (and web address). The term may eventually run its course or morph into something else, and this would give you more flexibility to adapt accordingly. (And it would help you avoid people who think they “own” the word… 🙂
Finally, if “mindfulness” does get top billing, I’d vote for a url that uses the shorter “mindful.” (But I bet your brain is already feeling pretty fried, playing with all the combinations and checking availability, to the point where the word just feels WEIRD…)
Best wishes with this exciting adventure!!
Thanks Julie! You’ve given us a lot of food for thought around some things I hadn’t even considered. I really appreciate the thought you put into this. Your ideas are on the list and I’m percolating with them.